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Harvard president in hot water AGAIN – this time for allegations related to plagiarizing her PhD thesis!
Kevin Dietsch | Getty Images

Harvard president in hot water AGAIN – this time for allegations related to plagiarizing her PhD thesis!

In the wake of her unapologetically anti-Semitic testimony during the congressional hearings that took place on December 5, Dr. Claudine Gay has decided to continue serving as Harvard’s president. However, more and more are calling for her to step down as news about her allegedly plagiarized thesis spreads.

Christopher Rufo, an American conservative activist who works with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, “has uncovered a massive scandal as it relates to Ms. Gay,” says Dave Rubin.

Just a few days ago, Rufo blew the lid off of what appears to be flagrant misconduct related to Dr. Gay’s Ph.D. thesis:

On December 10, he tweeted:

According to their investigation, Dr. Gay is allegedly guilty of a number of violations of Harvard’s own academic policies, including:

“[Lifting] an entire paragraph nearly verbatim from a paper by Lawrence Bobo and Franklin Gilliam, while passing it off as her own paraphrase and language … as well as passages from Richard Shingles, Susan Howell, and Deborah Fagan, which she reproduces nearly verbatim, without quotation marks.”

“[Lifting] material from scholar Carol Swain … [copying] the phrasing and language nearly verbatim from Swain’s book ‘Black Faces, Black Interests,’ without providing a citation of any kind.”

“[Composing] an entire appendix in the dissertation directly taken from Gary King’s book, ‘A Solution to the Ecological Inference Problem.’ While she cites King’s book later in the appendix … Gay does not explicitly acknowledge that Appendix B is entirely grounded in King’s concepts and language, instead passing it off as her own original work.”

Rufo notes that these are “flagrant violations of Harvard’s plagiarism policy, which states that students who commit plagiarism will suffer ‘disciplinary action,’ up to and including requirement to withdraw from the college.”

Rufo wasn’t the only one to find dirt in Gay’s academic past, however.

On December 11, Washington Free Beacon writer Aaron Sibarium tweeted:

According to Sibarium, “nearly a dozen scholars” analyzed “29 potential cases of plagiarism, [and] most of them said Gay had violated a core principle of academic integrity plus Harvard’s own anti-plagiarism policies.”

Given that Gay “can't figure out whether calling for genocide is against the bullying and harassment policy of her school” and the fact that “Harvard has discriminated against Jews and white people and Asian people … you might start thinking, 'Have they hired the best and brightest?'” says Dave.

Add that to the fact that she may be in serious violation of Harvard’s academic policies, and it’s easy to see that Dr. Claudine Gay is a problematic leader on many levels.

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